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Sustainable Development Management Structure

The Bank has set up a three-level sustainable development management structure consisting of the Board of Directors, the Senior Management and the Working Level to consistently promote sustainable development in all fronts.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors and its special committees take respective responsibilities.

Senior Management

Special committees are set up, namely the Green Finance Steering Group, the Inclusive Finance and Rural Revitalization Steering Group, the Anti-Money Laundering Leading Group, the Risk and Internal Control Committee, the Information Technology Committee, the Consumer Rights Protection Committee, the Internal Control and Compliance Management Committee, and the Staff Violation Handling Committee.

Working Level

The Board of Directors Office leads the ESG efforts of the whole Bank.

Targets and Progress

Focusing on key areas such as green finance, inclusive finance, consumer rights protection, and privacy and data security, the Bank has set plans and targets for sustainable development. The Board of Directors and Senior Management regularly review the fulfillment of targets and make timely adjustments to them in light of the Bank’s development and internal and external environments.

Interested Parties

Materiality Issue Matrix

Supporting Institutions:

  • "International Sustainable Disclosure Standards (ISSB) - Learning Partner"
  • Member of "China Climate Investment and Financing Alliance"
  • "Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)" - Supporting Institutions
  • Signatory to the Joint Declaration of Banking and Financial Institutions to Support Biodiversity Conservation
  • Signatory to the Joint Commitment of China Banking Institution's Green Credit

Honors and Awards

  • China CITIC Bank was honored with the "Best Practice Case for the Board of Directors of Public Companies for 2023” and “Excellent Case of ESG Practices of Public Companies for 2023” by the China Association for Public Companies
  • China CITIC Bank was included in the "Top 30 Financial Pioneers of Chinese ESG Listed Companies" by CCTV Finance, ranking 10th on the list
  • China CITIC Bank was awarded "China ESG Gold Responsibility Award for 2023 - Annual Excellent Sustainable Development Enterprise" (The only selected bank) by Sina Finance
  • China CITIC Bank was awarded the "Most Socially Responsible" "Most Progressive Bank of the Year" "Top 40 ESG Investment Value Rankings for 2023 -ESG New Benchmark Enterprise Award" by Stock Star
  • The CITIC Carbon Account was honored as the "2023 Annual Green Finance Model in the Banking Industry"
  • China CITIC Bank was selected as the "2023 Responsible Enterprise" at the 19th China Enterprise Social Responsibility Forum (CSR) hosted by China Newsweek
  • China CITIC Bank was named one of the "2023 Listed Companies Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Communication Conference - ESG Pioneer Practitioners" by Securities Daily
  • View More Awards>

*The English version were translated based on the Simplified Chinese version. In case of any discrepancies among the versions, the Simplified Chinese version shall prevail.

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